Service Learning

Our community believes that we must actively care for others.

Kindergarten through fifth grade classes partner with a local nonprofit organization to maximize student efforts. The students learn about their partner organization's mission and individual classes participate in service learning projects to help our partners positively impact Kansas City. St. Paul's middle school students also make individual choices about how best to serve local nonprofit agencies and volunteer in their own time. 

As part of our mission we also provide funding to our sister school in Ravine A'lanse, Haiti, and support the St. Paul's Church Food Pantry which serves approximately 1,200 neighbors annually.

Starting in our early education classrooms, students learn the importance of sharing their gifts and caring for others nearby and around the world.

St. Paul's Food Pantry

In the spring, students host a food drive to stock the shelves of the St. Paul’s Food Pantry for families in our neighborhood facing food insecurity. With a little friendly competition among grade levels, students are encouraged to bring canned and shelf-stable foods and personal care items. Many years, families contribute more than 15,000 items to the pantry!

Project Give
In November and December, students bring in hundreds of toys and gifts to donate to the church pantry through our Project Give campaign. These gifts are organized by church and school volunteers for a big holiday gift day for pantry families in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Service Learning Highlights

1st grade students raise money for a family supported by Variety KC.

1st grade students raise money for a family supported by Variety KC. This money often goes toward a family's critical need, like an assistive communication device for a child with special needs.

2nd Grade students write letters to residents at Bishop Spencer place, and visit them to perform Halloween songs every year.

2nd Grade students write letters to residents at Bishop Spencer place, and visit them to perform Halloween songs every year.

4th grade students partner with KC Midtown Now for an annual community clean-up.

4th grade students partner with KC Midtown Now for an annual community clean-up.

7th grade students volunteer to clear leaves through KC Rakes every year.

7th Grade students participate in a service learning project collaboration with KC Rakes every year. They clean up yards for neighbors in our community.

St. Paul's middle school students lead the community's efforts to gather gifts and toys through Project Give.

St. Paul's middle school students lead the community's efforts to gather gifts and toys through Project Give.

Kindergarten students assemble fun kits for patients at Children's Mercy Hospital.

St . Paultudents help with planting and weeding at a local community garden.

Students help with planting and weeding at a local community garden.

5th grade students volunteer at Kansas City Pet Project.

5th grade students volunteer at Kansas City Pet Project and donate supplies to make enrichment treats for pets.

Supporting Our Neighbors in Haiti

Each spring, St. Paul’s students plan group fundraisers, earn money through extra chores, and make donations during morning chapel to Holy Cross School in Ravine A’lanse, Haiti. These gifts support teacher salaries, books, and a daily, nutritious meal for each student.

Learn More About Holy Cross School

"One of our goals is to get kids out into the community so they can see an organization first-hand and really understand what the organization does." Mindy Stephenson, ECC Division Head

Service Learning Partnerships