Financial Assistance

St. Paul's understands that an independent school education is a major investment for families to consider, and we are committed to supporting students who need tuition assistance.

No student or family should hesitate to apply for admission because of their inability to pay the entire cost. St. Paul's is dedicated to making quality education accessible to all students, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Apply for Assistance

Financial Assistance Timeline

For Current Families:

  • Deadline to apply - December 1
  • Assistance awards granted - February 1

For New Families:

New Families can apply for financial aid at any time while they continue through the admissions process. Financial awards are included in the student's enrollment contract upon acceptance.

Even if the application deadline has passed, families are still encouraged to submit the assistance application. Our staff will work to process your request in time for the coming school year.

Apply Here

More than 25% of our families receive financial assistance every year. St. Paul's uses FACTS Management to gather information from families to determine award amounts.

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Additional Costs

Did you know?

Recent changes to federal law expanded savings program, allowing Missouri and Kansas families to better utilize this important program for elementary and middle school education.

Taxpayers can now use Missouri MOST 529 assets and Kansas Learning Quest assets to pay for K-12 tuition up to $10,000 per year per students without state tax consequences. State tax treatment of the education withdrawals is determined by the state(s) where the taxpayer files state income tax. When considering this option, we recommend consulting a tax advisor.

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