Return to School Plan

St. Paul's Episcopal Day School is closely monitoring information regarding the spread of COVID-19, and we are following the guidance and directives of our local health department, the state and local government, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC). 

Our board advisory team and our faculty team are reviewing options and preparing for students to return to campus for the 2020-2021 academic year.  We expect health recommendations and guidelines will continue to evolve over the coming weeks, and we will monitor and make updates to the plans detailed below.

Some things will remain constant.  We will offer daily chapel, we will offer a stellar academic program, and we will build connection and support our community. We will need to be flexible, but our heart, our mission, and our values will not change. We look forward to being back together soon!

A 6th grade student asks a question in a St. Paul's middle school classroom.

Return to School Communication

Read the community updates below to get a sense of how our return to school plans are taking shape. We are benchmarking and studying plans issued in other parts of the country but are ultimately taking guidance from Kansas City leaders and health officials. Our top priorities for our return include health and safety, academic excellence, flexibility, and connection.