Renovation Results

Throughout summer 2018 and 2019, we transformed the St. Paul's middle and lower schools. Today, you can find students exploring coding in the makerspace, using vernier probes in the expanded science lab, collaborating in small hubs, and much more. The renovated spaces are exceeding expectations as our teachers use them to expand our students' abilities to ask good questions, test hypotheses, and find solutions to engaging problems.

Renovated School Spaces

Students work on a STEAM activity in the St. Paul's Maker Space.

Students work on a STEAM activity in the St. Paul's Maker Space.

St. Paul's lower School students utilize their flexible common space for a group presentation.

Lower School students utilize their flexible common space for a group presentation.

St. Paul's first graders start their day with some group learning in a renovated bright classroom.

First graders start their day with some group learning in a newly renovated classroom.

A St. Paul's student reads on a large orange pillow in the library

Students can stretch out in the spacious library filled with comfortable and colorful furniture.

St. Paul's Middle School students gather in the flexible common space with colorful furniture.

Middle School students gather in a flexible common space intended for large gatherings or small group project work.

Middle school students create colorful projects in a bright art room.

Middle school students work on individual projects in one of two rooms dedicated to visual art.

Middle school students enjoy experimenting in their expanded and flexible science lab.

Middle school students enjoy experimenting in their expanded and flexible science lab.

Middle school students gather for small group learning in their flexible common space

Middle school students gather in their common space designed for flexible learning.

Toddler - Kindergarten students are join by family and friends for daily chapel in their Early Childhood Center common space.

Toddler - Kindergarten students are join by family and friends for daily chapel in their Early Childhood Center common space.

Second grade students break into small groups for guided and individual reading. 

Second grade students break into small groups for guided and individual reading. 

Students work on collages with preschool teacher, Mr. Christiansen, during arts & crafts time.

Students work on collages with preschool teacher, Mr. Christiansen, during arts & crafts time.

Kindergarten students gather as a group for an interactive and engaging grammar and spelling lesson.

Kindergarten students gather as a group for an interactive and engaging grammar and spelling lesson.

A group of 5th grade students read in a St. Paul's common space.

3rd - 5th grade students can spread out in their dedicated common space for individual projects or larger gatherings.

What Teachers Are Saying

"I love the resources the spaces offer us. I've really enjoyed the open maker space hours where students work on specific design challenges or their own passion projects. Now, we can explore 3-D printing, circuitry, engineering, coding, and more. It brings increased voice and choice for the student, which is very powerful for their learning." Maeve O'Connor, sixth grade science teacher and innovation teacher

"We are thoroughly enjoying our new learning spaces! They are beautiful, bright, and student-friendly. On any given day, I can walk through the first or second floor commons and see students seated comfortably on a couch or stool reading independently or working diligently with peers or in small groups with a teacher. This new environment provides spaces for students to collaborate, think critically, practice communication skills, and grow as learners." Lisa Jones, 3rd - 8th Grade Division Head

Steering Committee

Campaign Board Leaders
Paul and Amy Holewinski
Chris and Angie Long
Joe and Katy Platt

ECC Division
Brian and Ashley Ascencio

K-2 Division
Geoffrey Fasel

3-5 Division
Sean and Sarah Murray

6-8 Division
Steve and Kay Gaffney

Alumni/Alumni Families
Leanne DeShong
Andy and Emily Funk
Larry and Joanna Glaze
Rebecca Hall

Andrew Myler, Head of School
Cindy Wissinger, Dir. of Development